How To Tie A Hook On A Fishing Line

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Of the many fishing knots out there, the Palomar Knot is the best knot for tying a hook to a fishing line.

Known for its strength, the fishing knot will withstand even the toughest of tests from fish. Here are our five simple steps for tying a hook to a fishing line:

1) Preparing the Line

Palomar Knot

Start by doubling about 6 inches of your fishing line. This creates a loop, which is crucial for the knot.

If you’re dealing with a small hook eye, you might need to pass the end of the line through the hook eye once, then double back and pass the end through again from the opposite direction.

This leaves you with about six inches of doubled line outside the hook eye.

2) Threading the Hook

Next, thread the end of this doubled line through the eye of your hook or lure.

A helpful tip here is to pinch the end of the loop to form a point, making it easier to pass through the eye.

3) Tying the Overhand Knot

Now, use this loop to tie a simple overhand knot with the doubled line.

It’s important at this stage to leave the hook hanging loose and not caught in the knot.

4) Passing the Hook Through the Loop:

After tying the overhand knot, pass the hook or lure through the loop you’ve created.

This step is crucial as it forms the basis of the knot’s strength. That’s why, when I’m fly fishing for bass, I make extra sure I do this step correctly.

5) Moistening and Tightening the Knot

Before tightening the knot, moisten it. This reduces friction and allows the knot to tighten smoothly and evenly.

Pull both the main line and the tag end to tighten the knot.

Ensure the knot tightens on the hook’s eye and not the shank, as this ensures the hook can move freely and maximizes the knot’s strength.

Pro Tip: Choose a fishing line that’s easy to work with and works well with your fishing reel type.


The Palomar Knot is favored for its simplicity and strength.

When tied correctly, it forms a firm, reliable connection between the fishing line and the hook, ensuring that your catch is secure.

Remember, practice makes perfect. It may take a few tries to get the hang of it, but once mastered, the Palomar Knot becomes an invaluable part of your fishing arsenal. Happy fishing!

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